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CompTIA Cloud+

ABS-IT UG, Sophienblatt 82-86, 24114 Kiel



  • Compare and contrast cloud services.
  • Compare and contrast cloud delivery models and services.
  • Summarize cloud characteristics and terms.
  • Explain object storage concepts.
  • Virtualization
  • Explain the differences between hypervisor types.
  • Install, configure, and manage virtual machines and devices.
  • Given a scenario, perform virtual resource migration.
  • Explain the benefits of virtualization in a cloud environment.
  • Compare and contrast virtual components used to construct a cloud environment.
  • Infrastructure
  • Compare and contrast various storage technologies.
  • Explain storage configuration concepts.
  • Execute storage provisioning.
  • Given a scenario, implement appropriate network configurations.
  • Explain the importance of network optimization.
  • Given a scenario, troubleshoot basic network connectivity issues.
  • Explain common network protocols, ports, and topologies.
  • Explain common hardware resources and features used to enable virtual
  • Given a scenario, implement and use proper resource monitoring techniques.
  • Given a scenario, appropriately allocate virtual (guest) resources using best practices.
  • Security
  • Explain network security concepts, tools, and best practices.
  • Explain storage security concepts, methods, and best practices.
  • Compare and contrast different encryption technologies and methods.?v Identify access control methods.
  • Implement guest and host hardening techniques.
  • Systems Management
  • Explain policies and procedures as they relate to a cloud environment.
  • Given a scenario, diagnose, remediate and optimize physical host performance.
  • Explain common performance concepts as they relate to the host and the guest.
  • Implement appropriate testing techniques when deploying cloud services.
  • Business Continuity in the Cloud
  • Compare and contrast disaster recovery methods and concepts.
  • Deploy solutions to meet availability requirements.
CompTIA Zertifikat (Herstellerneutrale Prüfungsrichtlinien) i


Für dieses Angebot ist momentan eine Zeit bzw. Ort bekannt:

Mo., Di., Mi., Do. und Fr.
08:30 - 16:30 Uhr
k. A. GanztägigP Präsenzunterricht
Eine Förderung ist möglich, z.B. durch einen Bildungsgutschein,Bildungsprämie, Weiterbildungsbonus, BFD der Bundeswehr, WeGeBau, und DRV Bund
Werftstraße 193
24143 Kiel

max. 17 Teilnehmende

Dieser Kurs ist in Teilzeit über 8 Wochen belegbar.
